So there all put together, carved sculpted and drying I had so much fun making them! I started making turtles years ago when I was teaching children they inspired me to. As a matter a fact the kids I was teaching were exactly the same age my son Judson is now. Those kids inspired me to think about my work differently. I was always so serious and didn't have fun with my work, I did then and still sometimes take my work a little to seriously. This is something I am always trying to not do to much I mean yes you have to to a point but if your not having fun with your work than what's the point? I always said I would rather pump gas at a gas station if I couldn't do what i loved (so forget for the minute that all the gas stations are self-serve and there's not future there for me) I guess my point is there has to be a little playfulness and fun in what I do too to make it the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning excited about what the day will bring. But back to those kids that helped me step back and look at creating in a fun care free way. Well now I got one of my own and he inspires me every day and makes me think about art, life and the way the world works. He dose all this just buy getting up in the morning, questioning things and going at life in a free way never saying i can't do that. Its more like this is how Im going to do that and make it work no mater what and all the while enjoying every minute. I love what the brings it to my life it reminds me not to take me, my work and life so serious, know its going to be ok, it will all work out and have a little fun along the way knowing that. Hey there an art to having fun and fun in creating art too.
One of the largest turtles will be going up at the live auction at the Zoo to Do on Saturday September 11th, so go out and bid if you can and bring some of the care freeness of the intrepid turtle home with you. He's at home where ever he is he carries it on his back where ever he goes, I like that about him too!
And yes all my turtles are sticking their tongues out, turtles have then you know....