Well this weekend is the
Celebration of Seagrove Potters November 19-21. I know I haven't blogged in awhile, So where have I been? Right hear working my tail off!! Between keeping up with the little boy and making pots its been a crazy month or more.
Fired I salt glaze kiln a few days ago and an ash glazed kiln load too oh, and don't forget the a load of tiles......
So I've been right here working, working and a little more you know working! It's been fun but draining all at the same time the pressure of a deadline gets me motivated and the creative juices flowing I get so much done and while its exhausting at times I enjoy the rhythm and pressure. But Im glad to be at the end of this work cycle.
Set up is tomorrow then there's a Gala friday night and then it all day Saturday and Sunday.
My Mom and Step-Dad came in to town the other day to help out I don't know if I could have gotten it all done with out them Mom's great with Judson and gave me a break so to speak the last few days so I could finnish everything up. I Am so grateful for there help. Mom will me watching the shop over the weekend while Dan and I will be at the show.
I'll be sending out a email soon of things going on in December and January so if you haven't signed up for my email list do so there's a signed up sheet on the right side of the blog.
Hope to see you this weekend!!