The Kiln opening was awesome, I had a incredible firing. The pots came out amazing I think it was one of my best firings ever! Sales were great and A huge turn out too! Thanks to all that came out. But you know, I still have some great pots left! I have been working on taking some images and getting things listed on line, but it has taken longer than I thought. I've also been busy with special orders and getting ready for the
Celebration of Seagrove Potters too. Hopefully I'll get this completed next week.
I other news I made the cove of this little magazine Carolina Country, Pretty cool don't you think?

I'm also going to be featured I A new International Magazine
Ceramics Now It's published in Romania. They also in invited me to be in an International Exhibition that they are organizing in Romania. I haven't got the details yet But I'm looking forward to it!

Thats all for now Off to the studio, lots to do!
Congrats to you.
Congratulations, good job.
Congratulations on all your success. We wish you the best!!
Thanks so much everyone! :-)
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