haven't blogged about the celebration show yet, and i'm still not sure i can find the right words to describe what we experienced over the weekend. six years ago, when decided to open a shop and studio here, i looked at several different areas before settling in Seagrove. I wanted more than a place to live and work--wanted a community, a place where you can form lasting friendships and be near other folks who love clay as much as I do. if we ever questioned whether I made the right choice, the past weekend made it all crystal clear. It was amazing the way everyone from the community, both potters and non-potters, came together to produce an amazing weekend. i think it far exceeded any expectations any of us had, and in the midst of the planning and preparations, we all got to know our neighbors a bit better. i think we created the first seagrove traffic jam--customers told us that cars were lining the sides of hwy 705 in both directions! it was incredible--we had around 400 people there for the friday night gala, and i think around 5000 people came through on saturday and sunday. the shining star of the auction was the luck's bean pot that sid luck made especially for the event--it sold for $2100!! throughout the whole show, there was an excitement in the air--the positive energy in that building over the course of the weekend was so strong you could feel it, and i think the customers could feel it, too.
so strange to feel so excited about the show, and so horrible at the same time. our friends chris and lisa lost their shop, studio, and sweet dog in a fire on saturday night. i can't imagine what they are going through right now--it just makes my heart hurt. they are two of my best friends--they're amazing people, and don't deserve to be going through this. i wish we could help them start rebuilding tomorrow. i know that our community will surround them with more help than they can handle, and that they'll feel support and love from all of us. i just wish i could do something more right now.....
here are some pics from the weekend...one of the auction crowd on friday night, one of our friend cynthia, an avid pottery collector, helping watch fred's booth, one of our booth, and one of the famous bean pot. with the success of this first show, i can't wait to see what we will be able to accomplish next year......