Judson and I unloaded the kiln this morning he has never helped before he really got in to it, like all kids he was fascinated buy the cone packs. He was a big help though It was fun, when I rolled the door open he said "ooh pretty pottery daddy!!" and he was right the kiln fired nicely, I only put a few pieces of shino in with slip trailing afraid that they may not come out but they looked great! The other ash glazes flowed nicely and I only lost a few pots I need to adjust the bag wall a little and work on the door seal something is not lining up just right but I think the kiln is a success. I'll be working on glazing a an order for a galley and some dinnerware that a nice lady has been waiting way too long for but I was afraid to put it in the first firing of the rebuilt kiln so I will get it finished this week.
Judson took the picture of me not bad composition!!!
is that a "mug" shot of you!
Looks good-M
congrats on the successful firing... i let my daughter put all her little gee gaws in the last kiln and we unloaded together, she was in heaven. over and over... "is there another one of mine in there?"
Looks good!!
yes thats my mug!... meredith, so Jim, whats a gee gaw?
Glad it turned out so well! I wish for you many more.
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