Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thought for the day

Its raining here in Seagrove North Carolina, I can hear the rain dancing on my tin roof I love that sound! So I have all kinds of thoughts in my head, Im always thinking sometimes maybe too much but to day I want to share someone else's thought,

"Why be a potter? Pots can be used, they have a function. Even a bad pot has some use, But a bad painting, there is nothing to you can do except throw it away"

I mostly agree with Hamada on this and it makes me smile too when I read it. But some bad pots should be thrown away too I know I have thrown away many in my early years if you don't they will come back and haunt you! Trust me on this one!! I found one on ebay from one of the first years I started making pots, It hurt to see it too, I hope someone took in that ugly duckling and ether loved it or put it out of its misery.
I Still throw away pots that I never want to see again, and it feels good letting go of them too. Even knowing all the work that went into some of them I know that some times they just miss the mark.
Well here's a great pot from one of my last salt glaze firings that I kept to get an image of, I'll have a hard time letting go of this one!


kriips said...

You should totally keep it for one of these retrospective shows you will have one day! It's a keeper!

Round Rabbit said...

Here's my thought of the day: You should pack that bunny pot up and send it to me!! Haha!

Blaine M. Avery said...

Someone pointed out to me on FB that it the Year Of The Rabbit! I had totally forgotten about that!!
@ Anne, It just might be..... thanks!
@ Nancy, I'll think on that! But I might just have to keep it..... hehe! Nice thought though! Maybe when I make some more!

deanandmartinpottery said...

What a great one, no wonder you want to hang onto her. Hope the next firing has a few more like this one come out. Good luck and happy potting!

Blaine M. Avery said...

Thanks Jeff and Stephanie!!

Jeannette said...

Found your site because of your pottery for Schools ala Greg Mortensen.
I like your reflections on pots coming back to haunt you. Some art is all process and no product needs to remain...those bad throws teach too, don't they? But we needn't keep all our old lessons around.

Part of being an artist is recognizing when you have missed the mark. Usable objects that are not beautiful are good in a survival mode,
but part of art's reach is to kindle the visions that surpass survival and touch the depths and beyonds.

Well those are just a few thoughts that yours sparked in thanks for the fire.

Blaine M. Avery said...

Jeannette, Glad you found my blog. I liked your thoughts... "part of art's reach is to kindle the visions that surpass survival and touch the depths and beyonds"
Sometimes I try so hard not over think things, because in "the doing". In that moment of stillness in between thought, thats when free artistic expression happens for me.
So happy to sparked a little fire!
hope you keep reading,