I cried a little, it was so hard to put him on the buss that first day of school. But it feels so good to see him grow and change. I know everyone thinks that their kid is the smartest, nicest and most insightful child around, I know that. But Im telling you Judson is extra special!!

Check back tomorrow for an up date of events and whats been going on around the studio....
Your are right! He is extra extra special!
Thanks Samantha!!! :-) Let me know if you all go dancing with Matt again, Judson and I would love to go!
I got to meet Judson in Hillsborough and I have to agree, he is a really smart kid! Just wait until you take him to college, that was one of the hardest things ever for me!!
Samantha is right. He is special! Whenever he wants to go with Wes in the boat or on the tractor, come on over. Or even if he doesn't!
Thanks you guys, Tracey I have a photo of you and judson at the show last year clay and blogs, it's too cute ! Jennie Boat, tractor Judson would love it we need talk soon!!
Oh yeah! I remember that now. I think I had a little too much wine that night :) He really is the very cutest thing ever!!!
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