So the workshop went great! I had so much fun its a break from the studio for me and gets me to thinking about me, my life, my work and where Im going with it all.
I titled the workshop "Making A Life In Clay" Being a full time working potter I wanted to share my life and journey as a potter and artist for the students.
The world outside of a University working in clay can be much different. I so enjoyed the energy of the University and seeing the students work, it makes me want to teach more workshops. I came away inspired and energized seeing what the graduate and undergraduate students work, it's great to get something back from the participants and seeing there work and enthusiasm for clay was great.
The Professor
Virginia Scotchie - Head of Ceramics at the University has some great students turning out some amazing work while finding there own voice in the world, I was very impressed with the program there.
Me and virginia scotchie I started the morning Monday with a presentation that covered my start apprenticing With
Sid Oakley at Cedar Creek Gallery in Creedmoor N.C. Then my journeys in Seagrove building my Kiln, shop and studio.Of course I also spoke a lot about my work and where it foundations come from, mainly souther folk pottery but it has broadened over the years to cover the folk art of several ancient cultures and textiles patterns. The rest of monday I demonstrated making pots then on tuesday we started the day with a critique of the students work and then attend lecture on one of the new Professor's work. After that I finished the pots I made the day before and ended the day showing how I hand paint the designs and patters on my pots.
It was a great few days, so now its back to the studio gearing up for the Kiln Opening on October 15th and 16th. The postcad is printed and will go out in the mail latter next week I'll be posting some pictures as we get closer to the Opening so check back soon!