Been working, working, working. Thinking I need a song? Im gearing up for the Spring Kiln opening on April 17th-18th I will have lots of pots and turtles too!! Anyway I've spent the last few days bisquing and decorating pots. I also got two of my 150 pound turtles out of the last bisque no cracks! lots of decorating going on too here's a few images..... Can you guess who wanted their picture taken in the kiln??
Great work, Blane. Please don't forget to take that bicycle out of the kiln before you fire.
Looks great Blaine. Great job getting those turtles through the bisque!
I see a little John Glick in those platters. Wow Blaine-Train, you've been busy!
everything looks great, but love the turtles. if you have time...please post a pic of them fired. best wishes for a good fire.
Take that bicycle out of the kiln... wondered what the problem was last firing? hehe
Ron I sure hope they make it the rest of the way!! cross your fingers for me! K
& Jen John Glick? I don"t see it thats my wind swept cloud Pattern. Yes I've been busy, crazy think I'm still behind!!
'll try to get some pics up of finished work before the Kiln opening.
Thanks everyone
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